from Marvel Age #31, 55, 91, and 103 (Marvel, October 1985, October 1987, August 1990, and August 1991); text by Jim Salicrup (#30), Mike Carlin (#54) and Chris Eliopoulis and Barry Dutter (#90 and 102); pencils and inks by Ron Zalme; colors by Andy Yanchus (#30), Paul Becton (#54) and Renee Witterstaetter (#90 and 102)
Ron worked for Marvel in the 80s and '90s not only as an artist but as assistant manager to production supervisor Danny Crespi.

from "Bullpen Bulletins" in Marvel Comics cover-dated January 1984
And now, an appearance by that very toaster! Oh, and Ron, too.

from Marvel Fumetti Book #1 one-shot (Marvel, April 1984), script by Joe Albelo, photographs by Vince Colletta, letters by Rick Parker (?)
Ron's done commercial artwork for Disney, Sesame Street, Kellogg's, and more, plus in Highlights as the artist of "The Timbertoes!" His own childrens' books and comics: include the Toby and Mata-Hari 5 series.

from What If...? (1976 series) #34 (Marvel, August 1982), script and letters by Rick Parker, pencils and inks by Ron Zalme
Happy birthday, Ron!
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