Saturday, April 02, 2022

Bully Eats Food Drinks Soda: Nitro-Burnin' Funny Pepsi

Today's Culinary Experiment: John bought me a can of all-new Nitro Pepsi: The Nitrogen-Infused Draft Cola with Smoother Bubbles and Smaller Taste™! Oh wait, I think I got that backwards.

I asked Randi to pour it for me (it's a bit difficult with hoofs). It has a nitro container in it just like the ones they put in selected cans of Guinness (the ones with that toucan on them)! Let's watch and then we can all have a taste test, shall we?

I loved Bruce Willis in Pour Hard.

Mmmmmm! It was tasty and it went down smooth (cough couch, hack cough)

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