Saturday, February 12, 2022

Today in Comics History, February 12: Happy Birthday, Abraham Lincoln!

Born on this day in 1809: Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States, the Great Emanicipator, and the guy who grew up in a log cabin, did his school lessons on a shovel, and wishes in retrospect he hadn't been so keen to see Our American Cousin: Abraham Lincoln!

from Mighty Marvel Calendar 1976 (Marvel, December 1975)

Abe has been in comic books lotsa times, and IU've celebrated him several times in poss on this here puppet-town cow blog. Here's just a few: Next year: S'more of the 125+ comics panels featuring Abraham Lincoln that I've got hoarded away for just such a occasion like February 12. But now, I'm goin' to bed. It's been a long day. Happy birthday, Abe!

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