Except this one. This one is useless.

from "The Riddle of the Gold Stagecoach!" in Western Comics #71 (DC, September 1958), script by Gardner Fox, pencils and inks by Howard Sherman

Don't use this one either! But clip it out (ask your parents' permission to use scissors first) and save it, because it's a perfectly good calendar for July next year.

from Amazing Spider-Man #245 (Marvel, October 1983), script by Roger Stern, pencils by John Romita Jr., inks by Dave Simons, letters by Joe Rosen
Here's a calendar you can use for July 2021, the official month of Daredevil kicking Bullseye in the teeth! Get out your very tiny red crayon and color in DD's highlights!
(Click picture to reconstructive dental surgery-size)
Or you can print and display this Marvel 2010 Calendar (conveniently useful in 2021) with Captain America, Patron Saint of July, turning down that last helping of pie. "Thank you, no," he says. "Please...you have it."

"July" from Marvel Calendar 2010 (Marvel, 2009)
So don't forget July 1, when all the best birthdays are!
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