Thursday, July 28, 2016

Today in Comics History, July 28, 1962: All Hail Lord Emperor Doom, Master of This Comics Blog

Heel, dogs! And kneel before the person of the Almighty and Ever-Powerful Doom, Master of the World, of your fate, and of this puny cow's comics blog! Most certainly you remember that upon July 20, 1962 — well before the arrival of the accursed Fantastic Four, Doom cares not what the cover date of their first comic says — Squirrel Girl arrived from the future year of 2016, followed thereafter by Doom himself and Squirrel Girl's sidekick (but everyone knew her as Nancy). It was therefore mere child's play for one like Doom to manipulate the time/space continuum to become the Emperor of the World! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Witness the charnges to the timeline that shall forever signal the Age of Doom!

from The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl (December 2015 series) #3 (February 2016), script by Ryan North, pencils and inks by Erica Henderson, color by Rico Renzi, letters by Travis Lanham

Witness the splendor of Planet Doom!

from The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl (December 2015 series) #4 (March 2016), script by Ryan North, pencils and inks by Erica Henderson, color by Rico Renzi, letters by Travis Lanham

Ah ha ha ha ha ha! Doom is triumphant! Doom shall forever reign! No one can defeat Doom, for no one is powerful enough to battle me! No enemy is

Oh, crap.


RBS, Philom. said...

LSB I love you! We must be around the same era, since I get all (I think!) references, like song lyrics, etc.

But is today's ref a Beatles one or Firesign Theatre? Or both, of course. I thought of FT first, then remembered that it was itself a reference...


Bully said...

The Firesign Theatre reference is so ingrained in my fuzzy little brain that I generally don't remember it was a Beatles ref first!