Sunday, December 20, 2015

365 Days of Star Wars Comics, Day 354: I’ll meet you coming back when the universe has expanded

So, what's this about fanatics being so uptight (short for "up their butts is way too tight") about the decanonization of the Expanded Universe that they're threatening to reveal spoilers for The Force Wakes Up? As the star of the Star Wars franchise once scolded: "Get a life!" And remember, when you're defending the Expanded Universe, you are also defending this Luuke Skywalker, the evil clone of Luke Skywalker, who you can tell is a clone because he has two "U"s in his name:

Panels from Star Wars: The Last Command #6 (July 1998), script by Mike Baron, pencils by Edvin Biuković, inks by Eric Shanower, colors design by Dan Brown, color rendering by Digital Chameleon, letters by Ellie de Ville

Yes, you read that right. Cloned from the hand he left behind on Bespin.

And if that isn't enough to roll you into fits of giggles, here's another prime moment in the clone-ridden post-Jedi Star Wars Expanded Universe: the clone of Emperor Palpatine (Paalpaatiinee?) trying to kidnap Leia and Hana's son Anakin Adolf Solo away from Threepio. Yes, grand serious science fiction space high drama as you like it!

Panels from Star Wars: Empire's End #6 (July 1998), script by Mike Baron, pencils by Edvin Biuković, inks by Eric Shanower, colors design by Dan Brown, color rendering by Digital Chameleon, letters by Ellie de Ville

Also, never forget that in the Expanded Universe Han Solo rode on a giant bird.

from Star Wars: Empire's End #6

So, I may mourn the non-canonistencing of Mara Jade and Dash Rendar as much as the rest of y'all, but I'll trade any number of Expaanded Uuniverse cloones for Finn, Rey, Kylo Renn, Lando Jr., Kid Jabba, Li'l Yodella or BB-Pellet or the rest of 'em. And I haven't even seen the new movie yet.


Yatz said...

Putting aside Anakin Adolf Solo for the moment... "...the star of the Star Wars franchise once scolded: "Get a life!""??!! Bully, I do believe you are testing us, to see if we're paying attention!

Bully said...

That's the joke, Yatz!

Dean said...

When you do see it, keep an eye out for Yodella's big musical number! Stylistically, it's an odd choice, but Abrams makes it work.

Delta said...

I want to read all those funny books now.