"I'm not quite all here this week" Department: Off I go to help John at the big thrilling busy Norton sales conference, and how exciting it will be, sitting around the big conference table and listening to our fine publishers present exciting books, and I'm going to get to meet pop sensation
Moby this week! Hooray for Moby! I will have to ask him about if he's still mad at Captain Ahab or if they have worked out all those awkward difficulties, p'raps over a cup of International Coffees.
While I'm off jotting down endless notes about fine, fine, books to come out this Christmas and beyond, however, I ain't gonna leave you alone: I will still be posting an entry a day, but in my patented Bully low-pressure mode: they'll be short posts, some of them more picture oriented, all timed to go off with little explosions every day to keep you up to your ears in brief but delightful new bully content, and don't despair; before you know it the weekend will roll around and it'll be time for "Separated at Birth" and "Ten of a Kind" again, and who knows what goodies I'll have for you in the weeks ahead? Maybe I'll finally talk about the busiest intersection of space and time, or the most fun
Fantastic Four comic ever, or when Fred Flintstone lost his clamshell wallet at the World's Fair, or even bring you my much-improved version of a
Star Wars movie...
But for today, let's review a comic. Yay!
52 WEEK 48: This comic is fun. What, Bully's only reviewing one comic this week? Well, to tell the truth, economic reasons have caused me to rethink my weekly purchasing habitsI simply can't justify spending my hard-earned dimes on many of the weekly floppies that cost three bucks and take me five minutes to read, especially when I can often get them for cheaper than the original price in trade paperback later (even less if'n I buy 'em on Amazon...sorry, comics shops!) So yes...
I am the bull responsible for killing the comic book industry. Sorry! But I will continue to buy a handful of monthlies, probably including
The Spirit, All Star Superman, probably
Simpsons Comics, and this close to the end I simply can't stop buyin'
52 with one month to go until all the bajillion plotlines end. This issue brings us Renee Montoya making her debut as The New Question, a story point that been as obvious and inevitable as The Return of Superman. (Really, who hasn't seen this coming since about week six?) But it's all done with such a triumphant and energetic flair that I don't mind the predictability, even though it seems to lead to the death of a character who was heralded as The Next Big Thing from DC. (Altho' I fully realize
52 has pulled the big fake-out several times on me before, so I'm not strapping on my black bat-arm band yet). In other news, get your PayPal fired up, because Egg Fu is getting ready to auction off the battered and defeated Black Adam. Oooh, I don't want to tell you guys what you're doing, okay, but that ranks right up there with
tugging on Superman's cape, huh? That leaves Black Adam four weeks to whip up an enormous omelette. Mmmmm, omelettes. Make mine cheese and I'll be back next week to see how the Metal Men make their triumphant return!
You should ask Moby WTF with that autopsy table he has in his kitchen.
Oh c'mon, sitting around conference tables are some of the most fun you can have with your clothes on. At least that was the company line at the time...!
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