SPOTTED: at the W. W. Norton sales conference: Pop sensation and celebrity author
Moby, popping into tell all us Norton folk about the cool new book he's editing for The New Press:
10 Excellent Reasons to Think Twice About Meat. Moby was quite entertaining as he told us about his new album and the book and answered questions flyin' at him from all directions from the Norton sales staff. He answered all sorts of questions altho' John kept me from raising my hoof and asking him things silly ones ("Are we really
all made of stars? What's Gwen Stefani
really like?").
10 Excellent Reasons to Think Twice About Meat sounds like a fairly balanced book that doesn't ram (no pun intended) the anti-meat agenda down your throat. In fact, half the pieces in the edited book are written by carnivores; it's an information and alternatives book rather than a "if you eat meat Moby will never be your friend" book. Moby's got a wickedly dry sense of humor, and I am gonna have fun selling the book. Knowing his apparent love of all things bovine and living, I wanted to asked him to pose for a photo with me after the session, but he had to dash to teach a class at the New School downtown. It was a swift and graceful exit worthy of Clark Kent himself. Teach a class...or
fight crime, Moby?
SPOTTED!: At the Bryant Park Grill during the Norton cocktail party: Paulie Walnuts himself,
Tony Sirico, enjoying a meal with a large group of people not ten feet away from where I was sipping my Shirley Temple. John won't let me watch
The Sopranos because
apparently there are scenes where rats get whacked, but I know and can recognize Tony Soprano and Christopher and Big Pussy and Silvio and the rest, and if there's a guy who I want to take personal tailoring advice from, it's Paulie Walnuts and his gorgeous dapper suits. Can we go shopping sometime together, Mister Sirico? I got yer back if you're nervous about it. I am quite a shy bull when it comes to invading celebrity's personal space, so I didn't pester him for an autograph or take his photo, instead just choosing to gawk respectfully from a distance. Which, if you think about it, since I don't have anything to
prove my celeb-spotting of Moby or Tony, means that in my next item I can just
make up that I spotted fabulous, amazing celebrities in and around Bullhattan!
SPOTTED!....ehhh, I got nuthin'. Those were the only two celebrities I saw, and I won't lie to ya. I
did keep my eyes open all the way back to the hotel, and I
thought I saw Angelina Jolie driving a pedi-cab, but I
may have been mistaken.
Have fun spotting
your celebrities wherever you may find 'em!
An Eleventh Reason To Think Twice About Meat (or At Least Beef):
You could be eating a distant relative of Bully's
Did Moby apologize for making a stinky album? I only kept two tracks from Hotel on my iPod. One of those was a New Order cover and got exempt status.
He should have.
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