Thursday, June 26, 2008

Say the Wordle and you'll be free

The ever-delightful Lucy Anne made me a prezzie, and she didn't even have to step away from the keyboard to create it!:
Click on the images to see them full-size at the Wordle website

Welcome to Wordle: "a toy for generating 'word clouds' from text that you provide." Shown above is the text of my blog for the first half of the year, turned into a clever and colorful image of words. Who woulda guessed I mention the word "Wodehouse" so often? Speaking of Wodehouse, here's a cloud Lucy Anne created of the text to his book My Man Jeeves:

You can customize the color, orientation, and font of your word cloud. It's fun, easy, and very addictive. Here's a Wordle I made of the lyrics to the song "American Pie":

And for you Star Wars fanboys out there...and who isn't?...the text of the script for A New Hope:

You can also browse the Wordle creations of others. I was delighted by Poe's "The Raven", Romeo and Juliet, Bob Dylan's "Like a Rolling Stone", and the aptly monochromatic "The Man Comes Around" by Johnny Cash.

Wordle still needs a wee bit of debugging—when you're tweaking your image, it occasionally defaults back to the main screen before you finish, so make certain you save your text in a separate text document to avoid losing all your work.

C'mon, join in on the fun! Make your own and post 'em on your blog or in the comments! Me? I'm busy turnin' Monty Python sketches into Wordle pictures! Lemon curry?


Sea-of-Green said...

That's fun! Thanks for the links, Bully! :-)

Christian Zamora said...

I'm going to try it. It looks neat! :)

Chadwick said...

Texts where one word dominates are kind of interesting. I did "Surfin'Bird" by the Trashmen and "Ca Plane pour Moi" By Plastic Bertrand:

Thanks for hipping me to Wordle!

CLM said...

That looks fun! Why are you in Seattle? Surely wrong time for sales conference. You should go here:

Brian Smith said...

After trying the Saturday Night Live "What the hell is that?" sketch and the lyrics to The Call's "Let the Day Begin", I settled on adapting a tribute to my grandfather that I wrote for my newspaper on Memorial Day 2006.

The Annotated Barbarian said...

Thanks for showing this. How did you get the pix to show up large size on your blog?

Bully said...

How did you get the pix to show up large size on your blog?

Andrew, the image on my blog is a screen capture which I edited down to blog-size, and then I created a link to the giant images on the Wordle site when you click each one.