- June 23, 1593: Invention of "Are we there yet?' (Sandman #19)
- June 23, 1804: Kermit's ancestors murdered (Manifest Destiny #12)
- June 23, 1944: The real baffling mystery is how Heath's suit turned green (Baffling Mysteries #11)
- June 23, 1949: The five greatest National League hitters are transformed into baseballs by The Spectre (Jackie Robinson #1)
- June 23, 1953: World's first levitating car chase (The Witching Hour #1)
- June 23, 1954: Baseball artist accurately draws baseball diamond (The Amazing Willie Mays)
- June 23, 1971: I've read enough of these to know it'll rain and then everybody's gonna die (Ghosts #68)
- June 23, 1972: Doc Brown forgets to invent LoJack (Back to the Future #21)
- June 23, 1977: Well, of course they held him; he's really tiny (Freedom Fighters #10)
- June 23, 1989: Batman movie is released; everybody has a good time; nothing bad ever happens to Warner Brothers ever again (Realworlds: Batman)
- June 23, 1999: Vertigo publishes Magic Eight-Ball: The Comic (The Invisibles #5)
- June 23, 1999: Stan Lee clearly has blackmail material on J. Jonah Jameson (Peter Parker: Spider-Man #8)
- June 23, 2004: Gwen Stacy still doesn't know how to use email (Amazing Spider-Man #509)
- June 23, 2004: She-Hulk gets a mani-pedi from X-23 (She-Hulk #4)
- June 23: First assertion that the bird is, in fact, the word (Action Comics Weekly #603)
- June 23: Batman reads Morrissey's diary (Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #73)
- June 23: Only three more shopping days until Crime Alleymas (Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1)
- June 23: Fifteen minutes could take off 15% or more on car insurance or your fine woolens (FoxTrot, October 17, 2021)
- June 23: The Morning the Mayfield Hotel Started Talking to Itself (Gotham Central #1)
- June 23: Invention of the Ice Cream Headache (Gotham Central #2)
- June 23: Alfred is too polite to mention Dick's mullet and baggy pants (Nightwing #1)
- June 23: Outside, in the distance / A wildcat did growl / A rider was approaching / The wind began to howl (Superman #249)
- June 23: Invention of protection against Kardashians (Witches Tales #14)
- June 23: Sadie Hawkins's Patent Herbal Remedies are invented (Wonder Woman #175)
Industry birthdays:
- June 23, 1980: Becky Cloonan
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