from "If That Mockingbird Don't Sing..." in Action Comics Weekly #605 (DC, June 21, 1988), script by Martin Pasko, pencils and inks by Dan Spiegle, colors by Carl Gafford, letters by Carrie Spiegle
Ditto. ^ I read this serial and was disappointed in myself for being such a superhero fanatic in younger days that I looked right past stuff like Evanier & Spiegle’s Blackhawk run on the spinner racks — a run that also includes guest spots and backups drawn by a great array of classic artists, not unlike the DC supernatural books that I came late to.
Boy oh boy, do I love me some Dan Spiegle art.
Ditto. ^ I read this serial and was disappointed in myself for being such a superhero fanatic in younger days that I looked right past stuff like Evanier & Spiegle’s Blackhawk run on the spinner racks — a run that also includes guest spots and backups drawn by a great array of classic artists, not unlike the DC supernatural books that I came late to.
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