from "Idiotic Anti-Gun Control Arguments The NRA Hasn't Used - Yet!" in MAD #483 (November 2007), script by Jacob Lambert, pencils and inks by Peter Kuper

from "Why George W. Bush Is in Favor of Global Warming" in MAD #487 (March 2008), by Jim Morin

from "American Sniping" in MAD #533 (June 2015), script by D. Shayne, pencils and inks by Tom Richmond (c
But as for me, why, I'll always choose to remember Michael Moore as the kid who could boss around Superman.

from Action Comics (1938 series) #497 (DC, July 1979), script by Cary Bates, pencils by Curt Swan, inks by Frank Chiaramonte, colors by Gene D'Angelo, letters by Ben Oda
Happy birthday, Michael Moore!
1 comment:
I can’t believe TV Nation was 30 years ago, yet I also can...
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