from "The Return of Dr. Octopus" in Spidey Super Stories #11 (Marvel, August 1975), script by Jean Thomas, pencils by Win Mortimer. inks by Mike Esposito and Tony Mortellaro, letters by Ray Holloway

Howard also appeared in the second greatest boxing comic book of all time: Superman vs. Muhammad Ali! But he didn't even announce the fight! That was done by...Jimmy Olsen?!? Well, if'n you say so, comic book!

from All-New Collectors' Edition #C-56 (DC, March 1978); story by Denny O'Neil; adaptation and pencils by Neal Adams; inks by Dick Giordano, Terry Austin, and Steve Mitchell; colors by Cory Adams; letters by Gaspar Saladino
Don't fret! He (and Ali) got speaking roles in this comic, when Iron Man breaks the ceiling. (Note: not a metaphor.)

from Iron Man (1968 series) #145 (Marvel, April 1981), co-plot and script by David Michelinie, breakdowns by John Romita, Jr., co-plot and finishes by Bob Layton, colors by Roger Slifer, letters by Joe Rosen
You Can't Tell What's Going on Down on the Field Without Howard Cosell™ Department:

from Black Dynamite #4 (IDW, August 2014), script by Brian Ash, pencils and inks by Jun Lofamia, colors by JM Ringuet, letters by Chris Mowry
Naturally as a celebrity of the '70s, Cosell loomed large through several parodies within the (cheap!) pages of MAD magazine. Here's an example:

from "When TV Makes Full Use of Howard Cosell" in MAD #150 (April 1972), script by Frank Jacobs, pencils and inks by Jack Davis
Aside from that, how did you like the issue, Mrs. Cosell?...oh! She liked it! Hey Mikey!

from the letter column of MAD #152 (July 1972)
Felicitous Natal Anniversary, Howard!
1 comment:
My very feeble recollection is that when Ali was still being ostracized for his converting to Islam and then refusing to serve during Nam, Cossell was the only prominent mainstream personality to support him. Cossell respected Ali and didn't care about showing it.
Little bull, please correct if I have any of this wrong!
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