from Marvel Age #29, 53, and 89 (Marvel, Spetember 1985, August 1987, and June 1990); text by Jim Salicrup (#29), Mike Carlin (#53), and Chris Eliopoulis and Barry Dutter (#89); pencils and inks by Ron Zalme; colors by George Roussos (#29), Paul Becton (#53), and Gregory Wright (#89)
Got his own miniseries (of material reprinted from the UK) by Eclipse, he did! I'm not certain whether I've slipped into Yoda-speak or am imitating Mr. B. Natural there, but here it is!:

covers of John Bolton's Halls of Horror #1-2 (Eclipse, June 1985), paintings by John Bolton
Here's page one of a ten-page interviww with John in Warrior #24. Well worth pullin' this ish out of your longboxes to read!

from Warrior #24 (Quality Communications), interview by Dez Skinn
And an ill-fated Epic Comics photo shoot!

"The John Bolton Photo Session" from The Black Dragon (1985 series) #1 (Marvel/Epic, May 1985), script by Mike Carlin, photographs by Eliot R. Brown
Happy birthday, John!

from Marvel Graphic Novel #21 [Marada the She-Wolf] (Marvel, May 1986), photograph by Liliana Bolton
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