He compared... transgender Floridians and parents of transgender children, to the X-Men, characters from the Marvel comic books in which bigotry, hatred and fear of mutants are central themes. ... "I’m looking at society today and it’s like I’m watching an 'X-Men' movie,” Barnaby said. "When you watch the 'X-Men' movies or Marvel comics, it’s like we have mutants living among us on planet Earth.... "This is the planet Earth," Barnaby continued, his voice rising, "where God created men male and women female. I'm a proud Christian, conservative Republican. -- Tampa Bay Times, April 10, 2023Say, who'da thunk there would have been a real-Life Reverand Stryker, a bigot who doesn't know that the X-Men are on the side of good and justice.* *Except for Beast.

from Marvel Graphic Novel #5 [X-Men: God Loves, Man Kills] (Marvel, 1982), script by Chris Claremont, pencils and inks by Brent Anderson, colors by Steve Oliff, letters by Tom Orzechowski
Let's forget abpout that transphobe, and instead focus on something not only more fun but a lot more scrumptious.
The New York Times recently spotlighted a recipe for Easy No-Yeast Cinnamon Rolls, and they quoted none other expert in the world of cinnamon roll tasting for a quote than Mr. Wolverine himself,

Which of course leads me to produce this:

from [Uncanny] X-Men Annual (1970 series) #4 (Marvel, 1980), pencils by John Romita Jr., inks by Bob McLeod, colors by Glynis Oliver, new dialogue cleverly in serted by yours little stuffed truly
So, in conclusion: trans rights forever, and always eat cinnamon rolls!
Bully, where did you find a font that looks so much like Tom Orzechowski's lettering?
In Bully's absence let me fill you in:
Comicraft's Monologous!
(Bully did not pay $139 for it. Each New Year's Day they have a sale where every font costs the same as the year -- for example, $20.23.)
I first learned about Comicraft's Monologous in my Chicago Sun-Times.
-- MrJM
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