from "A Phantom in the Alamo" in Ghosts (1971 series) #15 (DC, June 1973), script by Carl Wessler, pencils and inks by Sam Glanzman, letters by Ben Oda

Craig Phillips, wanna-be traitor and all-around fictional historical jerk, plans to rat out the Texas defenders to the Mexican army so he can get all that yummy underground gold under the Alamo. Over on this side we call that treason, and that rhymes with Gleason*, with a capital G, and that stands for gold But didn't you hear, Phillips? There is no basement in the Alamo.
*Sort of.

Of course, if'n you've been reading this far, you know that things didn't turn out well for the Texans. And it's a Sunday. They were all just gonna relax and take the afternoon off today.

Phillips adds to his eventual list of things the Devil will check off as he steps into hell: pickpocketing the corpse of Jim Bowie. That's not only an American crime, it's lower than a Texas snake in a limbo contest.

Thanks to ghosts, supernatural spectres from, the afterlife: thus perish all enemies of Texas! Well, this one time, at least.

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