Thursday, May 28, 2015

365 Days of Star Wars Comics, Day 148: Hamburgers. The cornerstone of any nutritious breakfast.

Another one of my favorite Beyond-The-Expanded Universe stories from Star Wars Tales, a funny little parody of the diner scene from Pulp Fiction, also starring Samuel L. Jackson. It's scripted by Troops creator Kevin Rubio, so for those who take their Star Wars canon too seriously, may I slightly misquote the great Ham Salad: "Take it easy, kid, it's only a comic."

Panels from "Force Fiction" in Star War Tales #7 (March 2001), script by Kevin Rubio, pencils and inks by Lucas Marangon, colors by Michelle Madsen, letters by Steve Dutro

Little Cool Things alert: visible in the background are the Beatles (Sgt. Pepper era), story scripter and artist Kevin Rubio and Lucas Marangon, Buzz Lightyear and the Pixar THX robot, and Jar Jar Binks, George Lucas, and Lucasfilm producer Rick McCallum. That's Robbie from Forbidden Planet and Gort from The Day the Earth Stood Still sitting behind Mace Windu. And don't miss the Bob's "Big Boy" statue!

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