Saturday, August 04, 2012

The Official Comic Book Panel of the Day of the 2012 Olympics, Day 9

Two page splash spread from Doc Savage Annual #1 (January 1989), script by Mike W. Barr, pencils by Gabriel Morrissette, inks by Rick Magyar, colors by Anthony Tollin, letters by Bob Pinaha
(Click picture to Man of Bronze-size)

Doc Savage and The Famous Fabulous Five are at the Olympics! Yep, the 1936 Summer Olympics, held in Nazi Germany's Berlin! Yes, the one with Jesse Owens!

Hey look who's also here: The King of Genovia!

Genovia! Home of princesses and peaches!

Let us all stand and sing the glorious Genovian National Anthem!

Okay, we've done that. Now let's check in what's happening with Doc Savage. Oh look, he's fighting a Nazi super-athlete on top of the Olympic torch.

And yes, of course Doc wins. He's freakin' Doc Savage, of course he wins! Remember, at the Olympics, don't worry about the gold medals...always bet on bronze.

Play us off, John Phillip Sousa!

For those of you interested in such things: yes, this does mean that Mia Thermopolis is part of the extended Wold-Newton family.

1 comment:

Blam said...

Hey, Doc! Stop hitting yourself! Stop hitting yourself!