Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Fifty Shades of Jean Grey










Blue and Yellow

Black and Yellow


Jungle animal prints!


Can't make up her mind!


Super-Duper ToyBox said...

Hilarious! What a colorful girl

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

"Fifty Shades of Jean Grey"... Oh! I see what you did there! Very Funny!

It is refreshing to see Jean in something other than Firey Orange.

Don't worry about ketchup on the white suit. White Unstable molecule fabric absorb food stains, just ask Jamie Hyneman.

I actually think purple is a good compliment to her auburn hair.

What I'm not too fond of is the third panel in the Blue/Yellow Selection, who looks too much like Femke Jenssen. I don't have a problem with artists borrowing an actors likeness for a character, but with the exception of Christopher Reeve, I don't much care for the idea of lifting a likeness for a character based on the actor that played them in the film adaptation. It just feels like an easy out that takes away the hard work of previous artist who helped shape that characters appearance.

Bill, the Wildcat said...

Clever, as always! hehe

SallyP said...

Hey, at least she changes her clothes once in a while! There are an awful lot of comic characters that have been wearing the same outfit for 30 years. Velma and Daphne, I'm looking at YOU!

-- MrJM said...

I remember finding that Byrne panel of her transforming her clothing very chilling as a child. To casually powerful. I guess that was the intent, but it sure creeped me out.

-- MrJM