Wednesday, April 04, 2012

You were expecting maybe...? (Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions Department)

For all their vaunted popularity in their own particular worlds of excitement and amazement, comic book characters sometimes aren't very good at recognizing each other...even when it's dead obvious. I mean, you can forgive blind-as-a-bat-who-got-hit-with-radioactive-waste-in-his-eyes Matt Murdock of maybe not recognizing his pals Foggy Nelson and Karen Page...or is that Heather Glenn? You know, put a headband on her and it kinda looks like Gwen Stacy, don't it...?

Maybe the problem, therefore, is just that instead of a superhero, everybody seems to be expecting somebody else!

Or maybe, just maybe, too many people are stuck on the obvious.

So let me now present to you a literally virtual gallery of Smart Answers to Stupid Identifications of Comic Book Characters. Enjoy, won't you?

I had to look this next one up. Here's who Gabriel Heatter is. (It's a nice pun, too, even if it's misspelled. Whoever said that spontaneously combusting androids don't have a sense of humor? I think that was Namor who said that, right?)

Sometimes even civilians get mistaken for superheroes! I know I am frequently asked if I am the Incredible Hulk, especially when I am wearing my Hulk Hands. Bully Smash!

How square is Clark Kent? So square that he can't even get the lyrics of "Rubber Biscuit" right!

Finally, we must all bow down before the king of being mistaken for somebody else...this guy:

...whoever he is.

1 comment:

BK said...

thank you. thought the heatter bio was the special highlight but then totally cracked up with the hover quotes.