Tuesday, June 22, 2010

“This was my finest shower!”

You and I are used to seeing Winston Churchill like this:

But I'm guessing...in your wildest dreams...you've never seen Churchill like this:

All_Star Squadron #10
All_Star Squadron #10
All_Star Squadron #10
All_Star Squadron #10
Panels from All-Star Squadron #10 (June 1982), script by Roy Thomas, pencils by Adrian Gonzales, inks by Jerry Ordway, colors by Carl Gafford, letters by Ben Oda

Yes, it's Winston Churchill wearing nothing but a towel and a cigar. You've seen it...you can't unsee it!

When you've finished shuddering, let me remind you that there's a bright side to everything. What the Sam Scratch could be the silver lining to this, you wonder? Well, that it wasn't

Margaret Thatcher

So, in the words of one of his greatest wartime posters:

Chuchill Poster

Bonus: Churchill raps!:


Scott Bryan said...

Great as always.
One correction. That wasn't A.S.S. # 1. In issue 1 they fought Degiton (as they did in the 1st 3 issues). I think it was issue 7 or 8. I can't get to those issues, but it was later on, after Steel joined.

Bully said...

Whoops, I meant #10. Corrected. Thanks, Jack! You 'n' Annabelle get a BULL-PRIZE!

Brian Smith said...

Tragically, this is the second time I've seen an almost-naked Winston Churchill:

"Time Squad" Episode 10 - "The Prime Minister Has No Clothes." Nudist Winston Churchill has led his entire country into nudism, and the Time Squad has to convince him that the country needs to wear clothes to be effective in World War II.

(please do not confuse my knowledge of this "Time Squad" episode with any undue fascination with a nude Winston Churchill)

Mark H Wilkinson said...

Thomas seems to have done his homework. According to The Irrepressible Churchill: Stories, Sayings and Impressions of Sir Winston Churchill:

"There [Roosevelt] found [Churchill], in the words of Harry Hopkins, 'stark naked and gleaming pink from his bath', his valet waiting to wrap him in a towel. Faced with this vision President Roosevelt started to put his wheel chair in reverse. WSC (toF.DR): 'Pray enter — the Prime Minister of Great Britain has nothing to hide from the President of the United States'".

While there are claims that this incident is either apocryphal or at least exaggerated, the Oxford Book of Political Anecdotes has this to say:

"Churchill contrived to meet all the great wartime leaders while bathing himself, Stalin being the only notable exception".

(There then follows a detailed description of Churchill's dressing procedure as described by Lord Alanbrooke. As you seem sufficiently traumatised already, I will spare you from that quote.)

S Bates said...

"Ohhhhh yes!"

Still makes me chuckle.

And nod my head. :)

SallyP said...

Winston Churchill is STILL my hero! Naked or not.