At this time of year, we're often told to reflect upon our friends and family. Which is a wonderful thing to do.
And then, there's the people we work with. And at this time of year, we're often corralled into that most perilous and dicey of holiday events:
the company Christmas party.

So take a clue from Clark Kent: make a quick appearance and then
duck out the back door. By that point everybody will be so sloshed they'll never notice you've gone!
If you're lucky you'll escape the Secret Santa ceremony
completely! Because who needs
another Lex Luthor bobblehead doll to put on your desk?
I actually like this scene an awful lot, and it loses something in the reformatting. So here's my secret Santa gift to you, the full page
in the altogether!:
Page from Batman and the Outsiders #19 (March 1985), script by Mike W. Barr, pencils, inks and letters by Jim Aparo, colors by Adrienne Roy
(Click image to super-size)
Coming up soon: Batman shows you
how to get out of Christmas dinner with your parents, Aquaman explains the best method of avoiding being roped into Christmas caroling, and Mister Miracle escapes from a flaming locked firetrap and also from the consequences of not being able to find the sold-out Barnes and Noble "Nook" that Barda put on her Christmas list.
Jim Aparo didn't draw Supermen often enough.
Practically every book on comics scripting advises not to stack panels on the left, with one tall panel on the right. Readers finishing the first panel won’t know whether to move to the right or down, the books warn. And yet there are lovely examples like this everywhere.
The great ones always break the rules.
Some people will do anything in order to duck out of the office party. But really, Clark. Changing in front of a door with a WINDOW in it?
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