Panel from Marvel Two-in-One #77 (July 1981), script by Tom DeFalco, pencils by Ron Wilson, inks by7 Chic Stone, colors by George Roussos, letters by Michael Higgins
Say, let's take a closer look at Ben's get well cards, shall we?

Wow, real nice of the rest of the FF to not even bother to sign the card with "Reed, Sue and Johnny." And of all the people to call Ben "Orange Skin," Captain America is the one I'd least expect. Still, nice of Stan to send a card. And hey look, Jim Shooter "niiids" the Thing!
The card from the F.F is probably even worse. They probably came to visit, realized everyone else had sent cards and so just ran down to the Hospital gift shop and bought a Licensed FF Get Well Soon card.
That's why it's signed by the entire FF together.
I can just imagine Ben reading the card from Giant-Man and puzzling over whether he should send his thank-you note to Hank Pym or Bill Foster.
(On a semi-unrelated note, I'm hoping that a future "365 Days with Ben Grimm" will feature Marvel's house and for Fun and Games where various heroes reveal what they do for fun. I won't give away Ben's answer here...)
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