Saturday, January 26, 2008

Separated at Birth: Rats!

Captain America #272/Detective Comics #585
L: Captain America #272 (August 1982), art by Mike Zeck and John Beatty
R: Detective Comics #585 (April 1988), art by Jerry Bingham
(Click picture to rodent-size)


Michael Jones said...

Rats! Why'd it have to be rats?

Anonymous said...

I've got that Captain America! It's got Deathlok, starting out in a grim future ruled by white punks on dope, the kind that wind up rasslin' with Ben Grimm in an overcoat.

Mebbe Mike Zeck just liked to draw those guys getting mowed down by superheroes.

BNGIL: a topical pain-reliever for sore, arthritic fish.