Isn't there a panel for and about comics bloggers? Wasn't there one last year? I was tied to my booth all last year at the Con and unable to attend any panels, but I was most specially looking forward this year (since I'll be ably assisted in the booth by the talented Miss Jenn) to bein' able to catch a few and raise my little fuzzy hoof and ask some questions. But aside from a Saturday panel titled "Meet the Press: Writing About Comics," there don't seem to be any comics blogger-specific panels. Was I just imagining there was one last year?
Ah well, whatever the venue, I'll be there. Start packing now, and c'mon by and see me in booth 1714. I'll be the one wearing a nose ring.
Last year I believe Mark Evanier hosted the comics bloggers panel. I remember because he invited me to be on it, but I can't afford to go to San Diego any more. You should check with him to see if he's doing it again this year.
I certainly hope there's such a panel. Since getting back into comics collecting after a long layoff, I've found blogs to be a wonderful source of information, commentary and community: just as news/political blogs offer an alternative to the dominant narratives of the mainstream press, so, too, do comics blogs give a nice alternative to two pernicious myths/images: the "everything's FAB!" herd mentality of the publishing companies (large or small) and the "comic book guy" stereotype of the mouth-breathing fanboy (not that such a stereotype doesn't really exist (:). Instead, what I find on your blog and so many of those you link to are smart, funny, creative perspectives on reading that deny neither geeky passion nor critical distance and engagement, but find a really pleasant mix of the two. It seems to me that if the con and the various industries it supports/support it really want to reflect their fan base(s), they'd want to include a panel that reflects this engagement, diversity and community.
The Evanier osted blogging panel was TWO years ago. Last year I moderated it and once again it was me and Tom and some other bloggers.
This year there is no blogging panel but there is a WRITING ABOUT COMICS panel with most of the same people from last year and the addition of Douglas Wolk. Including me and Tom.
I was on last year's panel, too, and I really had a great time hearing from everybody else who took part. I wish I was going to be in San Diego this year; I'm in the middle of READING COMICS right now and it's a lot of fun.
We're having a special show this Friday night at the San Diego Comedy Co-op for a bunch of the folks who are coming into town for comic-con... in particular for college university, peeps who make funny online comics.
Come on out and check us out, FREE, BYOB, so cheap drinking ya know- and we may have a headliner down from L.A., yet to confirm that. At least 6 funny guys confirmed to talk about cartoons, comics, animation, and all that.
9pm @ SD Comedy Coop
11211 Sorrento Valley Rd.
San Diego, CA 92121
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