Wednesday, June 13, 2007

The House of Ideas Excuses (Furious Backpedaling Department)

A Skrull Ate My Homework

Oh, I s'pose I shoulda put a SPOILER WARNING on that. Oh well.



Thought it might go this way after the first ish of Illuminati...

Retribution for their invasion and proliferation of skrull tech?

Or Lazy writing?

Siskoid said...

So spoil me... the super-skrull was impersonating... Tony Stark?

Dorian said...

"It was a Skrull all along" will be the new "Superboy punch" easy out for bad characterization and inane plotlines.

Unless it becomes the new "Peter Parker was the clone all along" and prompts mass drops in sales.

The Omnicritic said...

What comic was this revealed in?

Anonymous said...

Okay, color me totally confused, because I have no idea what you're talking about. Care to spoil me some more?

Marc Burkhardt said...

New Avengers #31. Nuff said.

Luke said...

I doubt Super-Skrull had anything to do with this, since he was, you know, fighting and dying in the Negative Zone and coming back during "Civil War." But Bendis didn't write it, so it didn't happen!

Bully said...

Well, in all fairness to Mister Bendis, I first read this development as "the Skrulls were behind Civil War" but on careful re-lookin' it appears it could be nothing more than "Skrulls have infiltrated human hero civilization" which is not the same thing, and I actually don't mind as a subplot: it's a seventies Marvelish sort of thing as long as they don't use it to undo unfixable messes they've gotten themselves into--no Deus ex Skrull, please.

And the Super-Skrull is in my image only because that was the most dynamic Skrull picture I culd find.

In the end, all I wanted to do was use the line "A Skrull Ate My Homework" as a lame, lame excuse.

Luke said...

No, Bully -- "A Skrull Ate My Homework" is great! I was just answering Siskoid about Super Skrull. But even if the PTB at MArvel don't use this as a "deus ex Skrull" as you put it, I have a feeling it's going to lead to more glum comics where heroes fight each other and then pontificate about that.

Unknown said...

That's hilarious! Nice work! Things like this are why I never read these massive "war" crossovers from either company.