Bah! It is of no surprise to Doom that Richards would allow himself to be photographed on the street like a common Hollywood trollop. In Latveria there is but one response to the popping of a flashbulb in the presence of Doom, and it is swift and punative, as it must ever benot so much to ensure that the insolent "shutterbug" learns a lesson, for it is a very swift lesson indeed that he will have no need of again on this earth, but more that the people about learn from example and practice that the only proper response to the passing of Doom is to lower ones gaze and murmur in obsequience. As it says right on page ten of The Rough Guide to Latveria: cameras are forbidden within the city limits of Doomstadt! Though it appears from this headline that he struck back with the force of his powers, no doubt Reed Richards, ever the humanist, simply playfully dangled the paparazzi photographer from a great height or perhaps bounced his camera into the East River. Mercy of that sort is for the weak, Richards, and it shall be your downfall when Doom strikes, at the moment you least expect it! It shall be no helpless photographer you face then, Richards. For then I shall destroy you. I shall destroy you, Richards!
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