FRIENDLY NEIGHBORHOOD SPIDER-MAN #13: This comic is fun. What could have been a visually confusing comic (what with its three Mysterios) is helped by clear art and coloring plus an extremely well-written first recap page, making this one of the most accessible of the various Marvel Universe
Spider-Man titles. As with last issue, it's nice to see Flash Thompson acting like a hero and not a jerk, and Peter David has Spidey's wisecracks and bluffing down to a T. (And how can you resist a book that features
The Best Line of the Week: "I'm just using my most dangerous power of all: my spider-bull." And oh ho ho, Miss Arrow ain't what she seems to be, is she? After a rough start with
The Other, Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man is fast turning out to be my favorite Spidey title, giving us the classic fast-moving, hard-punching, savvy and smart Spider-Man, even if he
is wrapped in red and gold armor.
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