52 WEEK 21: This comic is fun. I'm a little buzzed on candy beans right now, but you guys might remember better than I do if a few hours ago I mentioned that I enjoy it when comics portray heroes as competent and professional, even if they are former Robins like Dick Grayson. The same holds in this week's
52 when the Teen Titans face off against Luthor's "Infinity, Inc." Hey, the cover of the comic
knows that I asked for Infinity, Inc. Get out of my head, Dan Didio!
Get out of my head! (You can stay, Grant Morrison). In this case, Beast Boy is portrayed as being a worthy and competent leader of the Titans, speaking with logic and care to Natasha. It's precisely the opposite of the problem I had in the Natasha storyline earlier: the ridiculous avoidance of a logical conversation between Steel and his niece. It's always nice to see characters acting like human beings, even if they are colored green. The additional new members of the Teen Titans are also a highlight, even if the surprise was kinda spoiled a week or so back in the
Titans comic itself. I'm wasn't certain how I felt about the Teen Titans consisting of young versions of iconic DCU characters until I saw the care given to and distinctive voices and personalities of the New Titans, especially bubble-blowin' Little Barda and imperious Zatara. Bonus points for some other bits in this issue as well: Ralph's clever if ruthless use of gingold, a poignant and well-written funeral scene, and the quirky twist (ah ha ha) to Red Tornado on the last page. A little less than halfway through its run,
52 has dozens of subplots and juggled balls tossed up in the air; I hope the wrap-ups of each of these will be as clever and neat as the set-up, because I'm digging the mosaic nature of this series as one of the best explorations of a large variety of formerly second-level heroes coming into their iconic own.
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