Thursday, December 29, 2011

If I Wrote All Star Batman and Robin the Boy Wonder

Once upon a time, oh, 'bout six anna quarter years ago, I did a post with pretty much this same joke, right around the time All Star Batman and Robin the Boy Wonder came out...the infamous "G**d*** Batman" issue. But I've now gotten much better at Photoshoppery fakiness, so I figured (both in need to fill something during a quiet week and to amuse pal Mighty Mike Sterling during his low content it is again, but better-produced this time. "If I Wrote All Star Batman and Robin the Boy Wonder"...I think it would go...something like this:

Jim Lee, I've got my scriptbook right here and I'm ready and willing to move into the DC Bullypen at a moment's notice.

1 comment:

SallyP said...

Bully if you wrote it...then I would actually read it. With joy.