Sunday, February 14, 2010

Ten of a Kind: Come on, fly with me! It's party time, y'all: 200 balloons! Let's do it!

Hooray, hooray! I'm two hundred today! Well, act'ally, I'm not...I'm six (which is a very good age to be). But today Ten of a Kind reaches its two-hundredth installment, meaning that a feature which began almost four years ago with some jokes about Thor not being able to hold onto his hammer has ben part of my life (and yours, amigo!) for a couple hundred posts and well over two thousand covers (to take into account the occasional eleven, twenty-five, or seventy-six of a kind). I try to make it a Sunday feature each week here at Comics Oughta Be Fun, and I've got a whole folder of ideas and comic book covers on my little Macintosh hard drive to bring you, I hope, two hundred more installments over the next few years! Thanks for enjoying the covers (and sometimes, the obscure post titles that go along with 'em), and enjoy this ten of two hundreds!

(You can find the last 199 posts of Ten of a Kind here!)


Seangreyson said...

I'm really impressed that there's a Sonic the Hedgehog 200th issue.

Unknown said...

Congrats on the 200!

Iron Man #200 is not only one of my favorite single issues ending my favorite Iron Man series of all time, but it's also one of my favorite covers!

SallyP said...

Thank you Bully, for so much time and effort on our behalf!