First, I sat and read the full history of National Gorilla Suit Day. Remember that National Gorilla Suit Day is not just about the bananas and the's a day to honor MAD's maddest artist, Don Martin! We in ape costumes salute you, Don!
from MAD #480 (August 2007)
A little traditional NGSD snack is always appropriate. Also, yummy!
Hooray! Cartoons! This one's fun any day but especially significant today!
A classic movie is appropriate viewing today too. Make sure you cheer for the right character! Knock those planes down, King!
Speaking of gorillas: those of you who were following my London blog know that I was obsessed with getting those wonderful vinyl figures of the band Gorillaz. I didn't buy them over in the UK but much to my surprise they were available over here, so they were my special National Gorilla Suit Day present! Hooray! Set 'em out, put on your G-Sides CD, and it's just like being in a Jamie Hewlett cartoon! Except Tank Girl is nowhere to be found. Darn.
My gorilla suit was getting a bit hot and whiffy, so in the evening I took it off to play with my new action figures. I know that shocks some of you. "Keep them in the box, Bully!" you scold. "If you take them out and play with them you'll ruin their resale value! How will you even sell them in eBay later?" To which I say to you: "Pfui!" Toys were made to be played with. If you don't take 'em out of the box and set 'em up and move 'em around and make them clash in Infinite Crises of Ultimate Secret Wars, what good are they? If you keep your toys in the cases and never take them out, you may as well just lock them away in a steel vault. I bet you seal your comics in those cheesy CGC plastic cases without even readin' 'em! People like that have no idea how to have fun.
F'r instance, why not join your favorite cartoon band in an impromptu jam session? Here I am plunking along with Gorillaz. Miss Noodle said I was a very good banjo plucker. Mister Murdoc said I was some other kind of plucker, I think.
Now it is time for a megaconcert for the City of London! Everybody sing along! "Don't get lost in heaven/They got locks on the gate."
Suddenly, giant mutant Kitten Kong (my kittycat Gus!) crashes the concert!
Londoners flee in terror as the giant kitten stampedes through the panicked city, knocking over the Post Office Tower and toppling the Gherkin! (Well, every cloud has a silver lining, I guess.)
Music may have charms to sooth a feline beast, but even the awesome power of Gorillaz rock can not stop her rampage!
Who can stop the terrifying giant kitten? Who can stop the terrible rampage? Who? Who? Teeny-tiny Harriet Jones, Prime Minister, puts out the call for help!
Vworp...vworp...vworp... Hooray! The Doctor and Rose arrive to save the city and drive off the giant mutant kitten! Hoorah!
Using the awesome power of timey-wimey stuff, The Doctor puts London back almost as good as new!
"I'm not the tin dog!" protests 2D.
Now it is time for a fabulous jam concert to celebrate. Everybody sing!
But Kitten Kong plots her revenge! The End...?
So, as you can see, it was quite the best National Gorilla Suit Day of them all. Hope you had a action-and-fun-packed one as well!
I don't know Bully.
Gorilla Suit Day at the Fortress was definitely fun (Solivar and Grape Ape stopped by to chew the fat), but we didn't have the Gorillaz, The Doctor and the surprisingly seductive Rose action figure brighten our day.
Your life sounds about as much fun as the comics you read!
Yay! The Doctor and Rose!
For my part, I listened to Monkey vs. Robot over and over and over. Ate lunch at the Jungle Jim's where they had a huge gorilla cardboard figure.
Not as good as Bully's, but a fine day nonetheless. And I got the Jonah Hex and Challengers of the Unknown Showcases in the mail, so I can say I got gifts!
Well Bully, it looks like you had a marvelous Gorilla day. I kept trying to explain it to the non-geeky members of my family, but my husband didn't believe me. My son on the other hand, put on his gorilla mask and ran around the house, which was SOMEthing at least.
And are meant to be played with and comics are meant to be read. Over and over.
I'm getting just a tiny bit worried about you, Bully.
Oh - and if that feline attacks london again - you need simply call on...
...The Goodies!
This was ....I´ve mentioned tis site on
I hope that I haven´t done some criminal act. The giant cat/the band is very charming/comical. More of these picturebypicture-live-shows work good on internet?
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