Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Biblical Zing!

Panels from Archie's One Way (A Spire Christian Comic) (1973), script, pencils, inks, and letters by Al Hartley


Jon Jermey said...

Gosh, those Christians are a riot!

BillyWitchDoctor said...

Wow, Hartley really had a gift for facial expressions, didn't he? Archie appears for all the world to have suffered a massive brain hemorrhage.

And what a zinger, right? "It says right here, non-believers are teh dumb! Therefore!" Sheesh.

-- MrJM said...

My grandma called Christians like Betty "Witless Witnesses."

I call them a-holes.

-- MrJM

Delta said...

Ah, well if God, who I don't believe in, wrote that in a book, then it must be true.

Evan Waters said...

Regarding the alt text, I think Betty's just trying to make sure she can get through that eye of a needle she read about in there.

Prankster said...

Hey, I'll take this cheerful condescension over being burned at the stake any day.