Friday, July 01, 2022

Today in Comics History, July 1, seven years ago: Happy birthday, Bully!

(looks up at title of post) Hey, that's me!

Bully artwork by Ming Doyle

How old am I?, you ask? YWell, you should actually be asking how old are you? Answer: I am exactly the same age as Bob Hope...

from The Adventures of Bob Hope #13 (DC, February 1952), script by Cal Howard, pencils and inks by Owen Fitzgerald, which is a very good age to be.

I haven't always been seven. Until 2017 I was six (the second-best age to be), as you will see if you check out this list of celebrations of my previous birthdays on this here puppet-town cow blog. Yes, at this rate I shall turn eight in the year (checks my wristwatch) 2037. Please join me that day for cupcakes!

Because it's my birthday, I'm gonna take the rest of the day off from blogging (but don't worry, I;'ll fill in all the missing July 1 Todays ins Comics Histories soon), and I suggest you do, too. tell uour boss "it's Bully's birthday," and go have yourself some cake and ice cream. All the cool people are doing it!

Until then, if you need to think of how old I am, simply refer to this easy-to-remember visual mnemonic.

Happy birthday, me!


  1. ¡Feliz cumples, Angie Trimble!

  2. Happy birthday to the bestest Little Stuffed Bull ever!
