Saturday, April 03, 2010

Separated at Birth: Smile

The Killing Joke/Transformers: All Hail Megatron #1

L: Batman: The Killing Joke (1988), art by Brian Bolland
R: Transformers: All Hail Megatron #1, retailer exclusive cover (July 2008), art by Casey Coller and Josh Perez

(Click picture to 35mm-size)


  1. The only goog thing about that awful 12-issue series was that cover; great homage, loved the decepticon symbol on the camera.

  2. "Camera?" That's Reflector: the Polymechanical Paparazzi!

    ...I always wanted a Reflector toy. They had adverts in the Marvel comics at the time for mail-order toy stores that either sold bootlegs or never bothered transcribing the character names. Either way, their nebulous (HA HA SEE WHAT ME DO THERE?) descriptions (typewritten!) and sketchily-drawn depictions made them all the more enticing.


  3. OK, that's pretty awesome. But Meg's camera must be huge!
