Monday, January 25, 2010

Reed Richards Has Got a Great Big Brain

For a technology nut, it's always a great time to hang around the Fantastic Four. Why, Reed Richards invents more before breakfast than can be contained in your average issue of Wired magazine! (Holiday gift issue not included.) Give that man a problem and he won't just solve it, he'll invent a machine that will make it more complicated and then solve it! Why? Why, you ask? Because that's the way Doc Rick rolls.

So, let's drop in on superherodom's kookiest kouple to see what just rolled off the drawing board:

FF #90

So. Reed Richards has invented...the telephone. And he's made it bigger and bulkier. Granted, it's a visiphone...but with no visible screen.

And he's using it to contact a furniture store. "You know, Reed, we have a regular telephone.." "Quiet, you!"

Ah well. Let the man invent his little rubbery heart out, won't you? After all, it's not rocket science.

What If #89

Whoops. Never mind.


  1. Bigger and bulkier, sure -- but Kirbytech! I'd buy it.

  2. There may come a day when I tire of the Reed Richards "It ain't rocket science" gag.

    Today is not that day.

  3. So I'm assuming the furniture store has a videophone too?

  4. Poor Sue. I know that feeling sometimes.
