Friday, February 15, 2008

Auntmusic for Auntpeople

So. The panel from Fantastic Four #134 that I posted the other day featured one of the series' many references to Ben Grimm's mysterious Aunt Petunia:
FF #134 panel
Panel from Fantastic Four #134 (May 1973), written by Gerry Conway, art by John Buscema and Joe Sinnott, coloring by David Hunt, letting by Artie Simek

Aunt Petunia was "introduced" to Fantastic Four #25, in which although the Thing has been soundly whupped by the Hulk, he gets up and keeps going thanks to some well-remembered good advice from his Aunt Petunia:
FF #25 panel
Panel from Fantastic Four #25 (April 1964), written by Stan Lee, art by Jack Kirby and George Roussos, lettering by Sam Rosen

Anybody who uses the phrase "You can only live once" is either a Bond villain or one tough battleaxe, and nearly every reference Ben makes to her over the next few hundred issues—like the comparison to the Stridex-challenged Dragon Man—is of Aunt Petunia's...shall we say...unconventional looks. Listen to Ben Grimm long enough and you've got a clear mental picture of Aunt Petunia: sweet as a rose, but with a face that'll stop a clock. In fact, from everything Ben has said, you might think Petunia has appeared in comics before:
Porky Pig #38

Well, let's skip ahead to FF #239, a few months into John Byrne's lengthy "Back to the Basics" run on the series, and check in with a mysterious stranger who's approaching the Baxter Building, as seen from one of Byrne's favorite angles:
FF #239 panel
Panel from Fantastic Four #239 (February 1982), written and drawn by John Byrne, coloring by Glynis Wein, lettering by Jim Novak

Momentarily baffled by the FF's robotic receptionist (and I think we all know how painful that can be), the mystery woman immediately falls into one of the most dangerous perils of entering the Baxter Building: Johnny Storm starts mackin' on her.:
FF #239 panel

Who is the mystery woman? Who is this gorgeous gal? Who could this supermodel-lookalike be? Aw, you've guessed it by now, haven't ya?:
FF #239 panel

Yep! What you certainly knew all along was a surprise to us in 1982: Aunt Petunia's a babe! As they say down on Yancy Street, hubba hubba!:
FF #239 panel

We never learn why Ben's been referring to her for years as unattractive—why, after all those years dating the delightful Miss Alicia Masters, the guy knows good-looking. Or maybe he just needed glasses when he was only a wee orange pebble. Anyway, even though pretty Petunia doesn't reappear for many a year (she popped up at Ben's Bar Mitzvah in the recent Thing #8), her appearance proves what we knew all along: knock-outs run in the Grimm family.


  1. She's definitely prettier than Harry's Aunt Petunia (Fiona Shaw).
    (You may want to doublecheck your panel reference above. I believe the 2nd panel is from FF 25 not the aforementioned 134.)

  2. Right you are, Michael! Corrected. Thanks for the eagle eye!

  3. Oh my. That last pun was... punishing.

  4. wonder if there's a version of Petunia in the Negative Zone...if there is she'll be made of Aunty-Matter.

    (Paul Saether)
