covers from (1) Gamora #1 (Marvel, February 2017), pencils and inks by J. Scott Campbell, colors by Peter Steigerwald;
(2) All-New Guardians of the Galaxy #1 (Marvel, July 2017), art by Natali Sanders;
(3) Guardians of the Galaxy (2013 series) #4 (Marvel, August 2013), pencils and inks by Sara Pichelli, colors by Justin Ponsor;
(4) Guardians of the Galaxy Annual (2015 series) #1 (Marvel, 2015 series), pencils and inks by Frank Cho, colors by Jason Keith;
(5) Thanos (2019 series) #6 (Marvel, November 2019), painted art by Jeff Dekal;
(6) All-New Guardians of the Galaxy #1 (Marvel, July 2017), painted art by John Tyler Christopher
covers from (1) Star Trek (2011 series) #30 (IDW, February 2014);
(2) Star Trek: Countdown to Darkness #2 (IDW, February 2013), pencils and inks by David Messina, colors by Claudia Scarletgothica;
(3) Star Trek: Boldly Go #9 (IDW, June 2017), painted art by Arianna Florean;
(4) Star Trek (2011 series) #56 (IDW, April 2016), painted art by John Watson;
(5) Star Trek: Boldly Go #4 (IDW, January 2017), painted art by Tony Shasteen;
(6) Star Trek (2011 series) #28 (IDW, December 2013), pencils and inks by Erfan Fajar, colors by Ifansyah Noor and Stellar Labs
Happy birthday, Zoe! Say, I have noticed that in your biggest hit films, you're a beautiful woman who falls in love with an alien. Now, have you considered in your next movie playing a beautiful woman who falls in love with a little stuffed bull? It'd be a box-office smash! In Bullsylvania.
No, I can't believe MAD never did a spoof of Kelvinverse Trek either.
She looks great for a giant turtle monster.