Monday, June 19, 2023

Today in Comics History, June 19: Happy birthday, Charlie Drake!

Hallo, my darlings! Born in 1925, today's the birthday of British comedian, writer, actor, sing-songer, and painter Charlie Drake from The Worker, Drake's Progress, Charlie Drake In..., and (naturally) The Charlie Drake Show, a 1968 Montreux Festival winner, and twenty UK pop singles!

from Radio Fun #1039 (Amalgamated UK, 06 September 1958), creators uncredited and unknown

Like many of his contemporary radio and TV comedy cohorts, Charlie Drake was the star of a long-running humor strip in the British comic TV Fun! (Shoulda called it TV Oughta Be Fun!). The strip started out as a page and a half...

from Radio Fun #1103-1104 (Amalgamated UK, 28 November-05 December 1959), creators uncredited and unknown
(Click pictures to Benny Hill-size)

...before expanding to two full pages! All the Drake y'all ever need!

from Radio Fun #1114 (Amalgamated UK, 13 February 1960), creators uncredited and unknown
(Click picture to giant cat-size)

Guess which glamorous 1960s star loved Charlie Drake?

from TV Century 21 #6 (IPC, 27 February 1965), creators uncredited and unknown

Happy birthday, Charlie Drake, from perhaps today's only well-wisher who's shorter than you!

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