Tuesday, May 02, 2023

Today in Comics History, May 2, 1936: That last panel really requires a Plop!

According to Wikipedia, the winner of the 62nd Kentucky Derby, which took place on May 2, 1936, was Bold Venture ("horse," Wikipedia kindly informs us), so that must be him there in this here one-page gag comic!

"Mr. Doodle" from All Great Comics (1945 series) (Fox, 1945), by Pat Adams

No word on which various races Penelope Pig has won, though.


  1. Bold Venture did indeed win the Kentucky Derby in 1936, but he was far from the first. That honor goes to Aristedes, who won the first race way back in 1875!

  2. @Eric: Wow, thanks! You are correct, and I've edited the post to reflect that. Dunno where I got the info that the '36 race was the first. (Shaking my hoof menacingly at Wikipedia)

    Thank you!

  3. Yeesh. Strike the middle of the word balloon in that last panel and the punch line lands about 5,000% better.
