Monday, April 10, 2023

Little Stuffed Kitty Pryde's Grand Day Out in Florida

Since we was depressed and homesick for Brooklyn (and Randi and Bully and Real Kitty Pryde 🐈‍⬛), John and I had a little road trip around Lighthouse Point and Ft. Lauderdale to cheer ourselves up today. First, we found a nice used bookstore here in Ft. Lauderdale: Big Apple Bookstore! (Pay no attention to that thumb in the picture)

Look at all the books! (and records, and DVDs)

Unfortunately: no P.G. Wodehouse!

Hangin' out in a scary section of town.

And yes, I bought books! Thank you, Big Apple Bookstore!

Luckily, I found a great record store, The Record Rack!

Auditioning to be the Little Stuffed RCA Kitty.

And I bought neat records here!

Spotted on the way driving around. Exsqueeze me?

Yes, I am eating lunch at KFC quickly because my time out of Mama Otter's is based on her countdown clock.

Oh come on, don't YOU start complaining about missing votes, Colonel

Finally, because John had to travel to Florida on his birthday on March 31 and didn't get a party, I bought him a piece of birthday cake at Publix!

Like most grocery store cake, it's not very good. Sigh.

Despite that, it was a (all join in with me) A Grand Day Out!

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