Sunday, January 01, 2023

The 1989 2023 Love and Rockets Calendar: [Joven de] January

Welcome to a whole new year of probably the finest comic ever published! That's right, it's the 1989 2023 Tarot: Witch of the Black Rose Love and Rockets Calendar! Which, thanks to the nature of circular history and timey-wimey stuff, also does in 2023 what it done did in 1989.

Now you can enjoy the sublime artwork of Xaime and Beto every day throughout 2023! What better year to cut these out, color 'em if you want (please do not color Maggie too hard, she bruises easily) and hang 'em up on your wall for a loving, rocketing 2023?!?

"January" from Love and Rockets 1989 Calendar (Fantagraphics, 1988), main artwork by Jaime Hernandez, calendar block artwork by Gilbert Hernandez
(Click picture to grande-size)

Hopey you all have a fantastic 1989 2023!

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