Tuesday, December 20, 2022

The Eight Nights of Comic Book Hanukkah, Night Three: Aun ikh volt zikh aoykh dermit avekgevorfn, ven nisht, vos ir hot zikh ayngemisht kinder!

Mystery Inc., America's only Scooby Gang, has been invited to a Hanukkah at their local synagogue! Of course, some of 'em are just there for the food:

from "Fright One Candle" in Scooby-Doo, Where Are You? (2010 series) #28 (DC, February 2013), script by Sholly Fisch, pencils by Robert Pope, inks by Scott McRae, colors by Jason Lewis, letters by Saida Temofonte

But it's just not an episode of The Real Ghostbusters without a haunting! Oh wait, this isn't an episode of The Real Ghostbusters. I'm so sorry. I've made another one of my silly mistakes.

Stealing the oil from a Hanukkah? This is worse than the time the Jackie Mason was verklempt!

The villain of Hanukkah? Hitler?!?

No, no, it's this guy. Please pay attention, because honestly, this is the most straight-forward history of Hanukkah I have found in any mainstream comic book. And that includes Sgt. Hoffman and His Kvetching Commandos. This is not entirely true. Later this week I shall feature a Batman comic that tells the historical story of Hanukkah!

As per usual, the mystery is solved by careful deduction and applying the Socratic method Shaggy and Scooby crashing into something.

In the end, it's not a true Hanukkah unless Scooby and the gang have spoiled the adventure for the kids attending!

And this reverant and sacred holiday ends with a terrible pun. Oi, Norville, you oughta be farshemt of yourself.

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