Monday, November 21, 2022

Today in Comics History, November 21: Happy birthday, Susan Ehrenreich!

Born on this day (we think!), Marvel's officer manager (and, it looks like, paycheck person!) during the late '80s-early '90s Susan Ehrenreich! That "we think!" is due to the Marvel Age calendar listing three possible dates for her birthday : November 3, 4, and 21! I'm going for the more recent one, presumably after Susan threatened them to get it right. If you're ou tthere, Susan, let this little stuffed blogger know what day it really is!

from Marvel Age #59, 94, and 107 (Marvel, February 1988, November 1990, and December 1991), text by Mike Carlin (#59), Chris Eliopoulis and Barry Dutter (#95), and Mike Lackey (#107); pencils and inks by Ron Zalme, colors by Paul Becton (#59) and Renee Witterstaetter (#95 and 107)

Susan also pops up in the Marvel Fumetti Book to drench Joe Rubinstein for siuggstin ga wet-shirt contest. I believe she is on the right in the first panel, and the one saying "You win!" in the second-to-final panel.

from "The Wet T-Shirt Contest" in Marvel Fumetti Book #1 one-shot (Marvel, April 1984), plot by Jim Shooter, script by Mike Carlin, photographs by Vince Colletta, letters by Michael Higgins

Happy birthday, whenever it is, Susan!


  1. It’s Rubinstein, not Rubenstein, which you may want to correct for the benefit of his vanity Google alerts. (Also, Siuggstin Ga is the Green Lantern of Sector 0291, if memory serves, and probably never appeared in a Marvel book.)

  2. Gah! I've made that same error before. Thanks for catching it!
