Saturday, October 29, 2022

Today in Comics History, October 29: Happy birthday, Batton Lash!

BoTD in 1953: comics writer and artist Batton Lash, creator of Wolff and Byrd (Supernatural Law), with work in Paradox's Big Book series and Archie comics, including writing the classic Archie Meets the Punisher!

from Marvel Age #138 (Marvel, July 1994)

Happy birthday, Batton!

from "A Con to Remember" in Archie #538 (Archie, September 2003), script by George Gladir, pencils by Stan Goldberg, inks by Bob Smith, colors by Barry Grossman, letters by Bill Yoshida

1 comment:

  1. For well over a decade my desire to get back to a comics convention one fine day was fanned all the brighter by the thought of seeing Batton’s classy, exuberant self again. His passing in 2019 really, really hurt.
