from Mighty Marvel Comics Calendar 1976-1979 (March, 1975-1978)
Joe was arguably the finest inker on Jack Kirby's Fantastic Four (and Thor!), and, I'd propose, on John Byrne's FF run too!
Aw geez, that pun in the last panel.
from Marvel Age #34, 58, and 94 (Marvel, January 1986, January 1988, and November 1990); text by Jim Salicrup (#34), Mike Carlin (#58), and Chris Eliopoulis and Barry Dutter (#94); pencils and inks by Ron Zalme; colors by Adam Philips (#34), Paul Becton (#58), and Marie Javins (#94)
from (top) The Silver Surfer graphic novel (Simon & Schuster, 1978);
(bottom) FOOM #21 (Marvel, March 1978)
Another short bio of Sinnott. Check that last sentence: before I read this, I never knew he worked from home with no face-to-face contact with Stan or Jack or other Marvel creators for so much of his career!
from FOOM #1 (Marvel, February 1973)
Which explains why Joe Sinnott doesn't appear in this meeting of the FF creative minds in the (Earth-616) Marvel offices!
from Fantastic Four (1961 series) #176 (November 1976), script by Roy Thomas, pencils by George Pérez, inks by Joe Sinnott, colors by Michele Wolfman, letters by Joe Rosen
And why, despite many collaborations, Jack Kirby didn't even meet him until they were both at the same California convention!
(How did they do all that in the days before FedEx?!?)
from Jack Kirby: The Epic Life of the King of Comics (Ten Speed, July 2020), script and art by Tom Scioli
Now, Joe may not have created or co-created the FF, Thor, the Avengers, or any of the currently popular leading figures of the Marvel Universe. But you've gotta give him his due: he created a hero much more powerful than all of 'em put together. (This fun fact brought to my attention by good pal Tegan O'Neil!)
from (top) "The Nativity and The Birth of Jesus" in Bible Tales for Young Folk #1 (Marvel/Atlas, August 1953), pencils and inks by Joe Sinnott, letters by ARtie Simek (?); "The Marvel Database: Jesus of Nazareth (Earth-616)" on
Joe here, jus' bein' Joe.
from FOOM #10 (Marvel, June 1975)
Joe Sinnott passed away in 2020. He is deeply missed.
from Marvel Comics cover-dated November 2020
Raising my glass to the memory, and in celebration of the work, of Joe Sinnott!
from (left) "Because You Demanded It!" in Fantastic Four Annual #7 (Marvel, December 1969), photograph by Al Hewetson;(right) 1975 Mighty Marvel Convention Program Book (Marvel, 1975), photograph by Michele Wolfman
Happy birthday, Joe!
For the record, that Scioli panel shows the problem: Kirby's memory which maybe is even worse than mine. In this case, Sinnott did not ink most of Kirby's FF work in the 60s but just a little over half his FF work period (a few jobs weren't published til 1970, unless one wants to interpret the captions drawn by the King in the 60s).
ReplyDeleteThanks, Manqueman! I do try to point out when I use the Scioli book that it's neither a first-hand account or even necessarily a 100% accurate second-hand account, at least. For me it's sometimes difficult to see past what's in there might just be poor memory or a self-made story by Kirby, so I appreciate your comment!