Sunday, September 04, 2022

Today in Comics History, September 4: Happy birthday, Paul Smith!

Born on this day: comics artist Paul Smith, who y'all know for his work on Dr. Strange, Nexus, The Spirit, his own co-creation Leave It to Chance, and a li'l book y'all may have heard of, The Uncanny X-Men!

from Marvel Age #33 (Marvel, December 1985), text by Jim Salicrup, pencils and inks by Ron Zalme, colors by Adam Philips

Paul puts in an off-screen-only appearance with Al Milgrom until he's upstaged by mutant-meister Chris Claremont...

from "Editori-Al" in Marvel Fanfare (1982 series) #2 (Marvel, May 1982); script and art by Al Milgrom, letters by Janice Chiang (?)

...a couple of photo gag strips in a rare 1980s one-shot...

from Marvel Fumetti Book #1 (Marvel, April 1984), script by Joe Albelo (top) and Mike Carlin (bottom), photos by Vince Colletta, letters by Joe Rosen, SFX by Art Adams (bottom)

...and don't blame him, he wasn't even supposed to be here today, when the Impossible Man attacks the Marvel offices!

from [Uncanny] X-Men Annual #7 (Marvel, January 1984), script by Chris Claremont, pencils by Bret Blevens, inks by Al Milgrom, colors by Glynis Oliver, letters by Michael Higgins

Happy birthday, Paul!

1 comment:

  1. Y’know, I’ve never seen Ann Nocenti and Cheeks the Toy Wonder in the same place at the same time…
