Monday, May 02, 2022

Today in Comics History, May 2: Happy birthday, Glenn Herdling!

Let's all wish a happy birthday to comics writer and editor Glenn Herdling (Namor the Sub-Mariner, Cable, Spider-Man, Blackwulf, Deathlok, etc., and the Piper Houdini novel series)!

from Marvel Age #53, 89, and 101 (Marvel, August 1987, May 1991, and May 1991); text by Mike Carlin (#53) and Chris Eliopoulis and Barry Dutter (#98 & 101); pencils and inks by Ron Zalme; colors by Paul Becton (#53), Gregory Wright (#89) and Renee Witterstaetter (#101)

Glenn also was the assistant editor on Spider-Man titles and wrote entries for everybody's favorite encyclopedia, the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe.

from Marvel Comics cover-dated March 1989

Plus, he went to a lot of Marvel conventions parties! Here's proof! (IIt's a hard-knock life.)

photos from Marvel Age #112 (Marvel, May 1992)

Find Glenn among his co-conspirators at Marvel in 1992! Warning: some of these people make comics (gasp!)

from Marvel Age #120 (Marvel, January 1993), art by Rick Parker
(Click top picture to Bullpen-size)

Happy birthday, Glenn! I now declare you an honorary bull, so you can be part of my little herd anytime!

from (L) Spectacular Spider-Man #155 (Marvel, October 1989), and
(R) Marvel Age #106 (Marvel, November 1991)

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