Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Today in Comics History, May 18: Happy birthday, Alan Kupperberg!

Born on this day: comic book/strip scripter and artist Alan Kupperberg (The Invaders, The Defenders, What If...?, Marvel Two-in-One, Thor, Crazy Magazine, Spider-Ham, Hostess ads, and more)!

from Marvel Age #29, 53, 89, and 101 (Marvel, August 1985, August 1987, June 1990, and June 1991); text by Jim Salicrup (#29), Mike Carlin (#53) and Chris Eliopoulis and Barry Dutter (#89 and 101); pencils and inks by Ron Zalme; colors by Paul Becton (#53) and Renee Witterstaetter (#89 and 101)

Before he went pro, Alan was a frequent letter-writer to comics and justifiably proud of his M.M.M.S. official rank! and he achieved the high rank in the M.M.M.S. (Merry Marvel Marching Society) of P.M.M. (Permanent Marvelite Maximus)! Permanent means he still is!

from letter columns of 1. Chamber of Darkness #5 (June 1970),
2. Sgt. Fury #59 (Marvel, October 1968),
3. Daredevil #65 (Marvel, June 1970), and
4. Thor #177 (Marvel, June 1970)

Alan's Obnoxio the Clown vs. The X-Men one-shot is one of the very few Marvel Comics completely created by one single person from front to back!

from Obnoxio the Clown #1 one-shot (Marvel, April 1983); script, pencils, inks, colors, and letters by Alan Kupperberg

Happy Birthday, Alan!

from The Amazing World of Superman treasury edition (DC, 1973)


  1. I can't say I'd have bought that Obnoxio the Clown one-shot were it not for being an X-Men completist at the time but, hey, should I ever decide to unload my roughly 1975-1985 X-Men collection in one go it will surely impress somebody...

  2. Also, not to totally disregard the main point of this post, based on the outpouring after his passing far too young a few years back Alan Kupperberg seems to have been a real mensch.
