Thursday, March 03, 2022

Liberty Bell March, Day 3: Six Degrees of Stan Lee

More proof that Stan Lee has met everybody!

"Bullpen Bulletins" in Marvel Comics cover-dated November 1975

Now, I'm a little surprised that aside from this Bullpen Bulletin, I'd never heard of hide nor hair of Celebrity magazine. Doing some research, I've found a [citation needed] note at the bottom of the Magazine Management Wikipedia page, accompanied by a tiny little jpg that looks suspiciously like a cheap knockoff of People. And it was! From Abraham Riesman's excellent, controversial True Believer: The Rise and Fall of Stan Lee:

from True Believer: The Rise and Fall of Stan Lee (Crown, 2021), by Abraham Riesman

So, unless you make a lucky score at a used bookshop or rummaging through old magazines, you're unlikely to find what the Sam Scratch Stan did with Gilliam and the Bowies. Which is kind of a pity, because even laughable Stan Lee ventures are fascinating in themselves.

1 comment:

  1. Young Blam had a few of them Slurpee cups, including the weird Super-Stan one.
